Remote 200 Series Engine heater kit
200 Series Engine Heater Direction of Coolant Flow
Heater can be connected via these ports. Core plug on side of the block (Yellow circle) is the preferred method.
Remote heater mount
PREFERRED mounting location for Billet remote mounting bracket. REAR engine plate LHS. This allows clean routing of coolant hoses to the engine block. Top hose goes to RHS engine block. Lower hose is the return from LHS engine block.
Top quick release fitting (hot coolant from heater) routes to RH side of engine.
Lower quick release fitting (return from engine to heater) routes from LH side of engine.
Remote mounting can be positioned on the front engine plate.
Top quick release fitting (hot coolant from heater) routes to LH side of engine.
Lower quick release fitting (return from engine to heater) routes from RH side of engine.
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